I asked for the disclosure from Michael Edelson Ottawa Criminal Lawyer as soon as I landed in Canada. He gave me a reason about insurance blah blah blah… I always knew that he was lying to me, but how do I go about prying the disclosure out of Micheal Edelson hands. After going to The Law Society of Ontario on April 15, 2015 I had my property (disclosure) in hand on May 11, 2015. On May 7, 2015 I had a visit from representatives from Bermuda to threaten me, I have that conversation recorded…(OPS Case Number 112135). This recording is in the middle of this page. Their representatives lingered in my neighbourhood for hours after speaking to me, this was the RCMP. The LSUC/LSO whatever they are calling themselves now a days are useless. They allow for human rights violations to be happily carried out by their members. It’s odd how these groups of people think… as long as it’s not in our jurisdiction we do not care, but one of their members were involved in a multiple kidnapping, murder cover up and this “law society” does not protect the public through the experience that I had dealing with them!
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Peter Sagos Official Complaint to The Law Society of Upper Canada about Michael Edelson 1.7 MB
6 Pages
Letter from the LSO blocking me from Michael Edelson, but at least with this letter, it outlines what happened in the background so I could retrieve my stolen property from the criminal. Lawyer. Michael Edelson 803 KB 2 Pages
Here is the audio file of Peter Sagos collecting his stolen property from edelson.
8:42 minutes long. Minutes 0:00 to 0:23 audio, then nothing till 8:02 minutes. The rest of the time I was waiting.
Audio was recorded on May 11, 2015.
Audio of the OPS, on behalf of the RCMP, on behalf of the Bermudian Government came to my home to threaten me. How the hell can an outside actor influence a Canadian police force, to do anything to a Canadian citizen, on Canadian soil without doing their due diligence or a law being broken?? This is where my Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms were violated and the evidence that I needed to prove how the Canadian government is working against their own citizens! If my government can not protect or are not willing to protect my fellow Canadian Citizens… then I will!!! Just click play, length of audio 3:27 mins. Oh by the way I have had an active pending law suit against the RCMP since May of 2016.
I have more on the OPS/RCMP…. OPS Audio released on April 4, 2017. Transcript below.
Release Dates are in red.
Informants used by the RCMP
Do not have a picture of this Ottawa police Informant. Yianni Papadolias. On October 22, 2017 between 12:43am to 1:00am, corner of Elgin and Lisgar St. Hey Ottawa police you can not program a convicted criminal with alternative facts and questions and have that criminal jump me on the street while you, the cops drive by in your squad cars… This is called entrapment. I programmed that moron too just like the others before him… Ottawa police, rcmp, csis the problem is you! Do some police work and get the archives with the two police video interviews from bermuda and make sure that they are not forged from shade subair. edelson is bermuda’s dog. Everyone has been outed but the courts in Canada are stalling….I have had a pending law suit on the rcmp since May of 2016. My situation could of been prevented with common sense oversight from judges that would be approving warrants, or if the cops just protected their citizens and forced bermuda to show the evidence, disclosure and court transcripts. For further insult the police never went to the judges to ask for any warrants, basic fundamentals of our laws were breeched and its because of Bill C-51 allowing for fake cases to be imported into Canada without calculating the risks, who was that country… Bermuda has major history in human rights abuses and cover ups.
Links to these articles.
October 30, 2017 – Ontario vows new bail policy will be ‘faster and fairer’. Link to article. The Toronto Star.
October 30, 2017 – Ontario issues new bail policy to ease strain on jails. Link to article. CBC.
November 6, 2017 – Trudeau names parliamentary committee to oversee security, intelligence agencies. Link to article. CBC.
November 8, 2017 – New spy oversight committee looks to prevent repeats of Arar, Khadr cases. Link to article. CBC.
Released on January 14, 2018
My request for information as replied by the Ottawa Police Service through the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (ATIP request). This is for the encounter with the Ottawa Police Informant, Yianni Papadolias plus other matters. I have placed an appeal because this is completely unacceptable. They talk about the fear of making premature disclosure of records that may interfere if the matter goes to trail. That is exactly why they should be making disclosure. It seems they are hiding behind some unresponsive aspect that precludes freedom of information. They then quote that the personal information is highly sensitive and impact an individual. Disclosure might damage the reputation of a person referred to in the record. Again, this seems to be the very reason why the matter should be disclosed.
May 7, 2019 Response of the Police – IPC Appeal
Arrest Details Form – “a warrant execution (yes or no)?” IPC Analyst confirmed that the response to this question in the Form was ‘no’. If this question in the Form was ‘yes,’ a copy of the arrest warrant would be attached to the Form and filed on their RMS generally.
June 18, 2019 Cross Examination of RCMP liaison officer to bermuda from 2014 to 2018.
I had a lawyer ask this fella – Did cindy clarke ever provide you or did you ever see the bermuda trial transcripts of what had happened to Sagos?
His answer was NO
Lawyer Q – So how did you confirm that Sagos ever had an issue in bermuda?
rcmp fella – Well, I mean detective mark clarke told me that he been arrested and spent time in jail.
Lawyer Q – Okay, so it was strictly conversational?
rcmp fella – yes.
Garbage in – Garbage out!
No transcripts from court were ever produced by bermuda. Fake news, hearsay and speculation are the norm here in Canada. This further confirms that Canada does not protect their citizens and actually works against them.
The Ontario crowns office are pushing FRAUD! Further continuing these human rights violations and oh the coverup, straight up judicial corruption. Canada does not follow the rule of law. The Canadian police agencies never went to bermuda to authenticate anything and bermuda refuses to hand anything over dealing with the court transcripts, evidence from the case. I have the disclosure and that proves multiple kidnappings and a murder cover-up.
If Video is not viewable. Click here for this Video.
Cross Examination of RCMP – Topic Emails. June 18, 2019
If Video is not viewable. Click here for this Video.